Remember the beautiful compost I was so excited about? I commented that I found a few pieces of glass in it, but that I was still happy with it. All it took was a few rains for the truth to come out...our UP rather.

So we spread about 4 cubic yards of this stuff in 400 square feet of raised beds. This much glass has come up so far...and I imagine there is a lot more of it in the soil. The rain will settle it but how much of the soil's rising crap does this represent? Just the first inch or so, right? We put 5-7 inches in most of the boxes. Is there really five or six times as much glass still left in our soil?
I am a little disappointed in the quality of the compost from the City of Fayetteville. I guess we will continue to pull glass piece by piece for years to come. There goes running my hands through soil....without gloves at least.
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