Our previous house plant blunder was Edition Sansevieria. This one we shall call Edition Airplane Plants.
Chlorophytum comosum, commonly called spider plant, is a very common house plant. I have heard that they are hard to kill. HA! Those folks must have never met Kyle and his cats! We kept them outside last year, but brought them in for the winter. Knowing the cats would have a field day with them, we put them on top of the refrigerator. Basically no sun and many forgotten waterings. Then we figured out the in garage on the window ledge....it's an east facing window, but that would be better than nothing. Still forgot to water them. At that points the cats were not allowed into the garage, in hopes we could protect our seedlings. The plants started to recover. Then came the cats once our seedlings were put out in the garden. They chewed off all the top growth. And knocked the pots off the sill. These plants are sad looking. Out to the front porch for a hot summer of rehab.

Why Edition Airplane Plants? As a kid I always called them airplane plants. I am not sure if my grandmother had called them that (she had given us a set before she died that we kept going for years) or if I came up with it. Perhaps it's because the baby plants reminded me of the small airplanes on amusement rides. Not sure, but to me they are not spider plants...they are airplane plants!