Friday, February 18, 2011

Three motivations that drive me as a "farmer"

These are not all the motivations, but they are contradicting ones that battle for primacy in the hierarchy of vegetable garden planning. I stumbled over three articles in the same online publication and thought it odd that the ideas compete with each other to some degree.



The first person to say "You don't have to sacrifice those things" will get a boot to the head. If I had one square foot to plant in, I would have to make a decision. One corn sweet potato slip...two crops of spinach....or early radish and late beets. There are always decisions and they do weigh on people, especially beginning growers.

Identifying your own personal goals is probably more fulfilling than ignoring them. My roommate likes variety. I tend more towards the quick producing and volume. I am far more interested in doing back to back crops of early and late vegetables than growing Mint or Basil.

My green beans are quick, prolific, and voluminous (in fiber, but not calories really). Probably why I like them.

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